Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The butterfly was just a test first, and I wasn't really pleased with it so I put it away. Then I remembered that poem, from one of Philippa Gregorys' books. I read the book in Swedish, "the White Queen", from 2010. The poem was written on a page in the middle of the book, at least in the translated one. The translator really worked on the poem, with the rime and everything. I can't make the same beautiful translation, but I'll try to make sense of the poem. Perhaps someone know it.
'Destiny sees me, another path gives me, and nothing that happens is what I thought.' 
I think it fits me and my life a bit, so I wrote it on the butterfly and it suited the page perfectly. The other page is yet again lyrics from a song I like.
I'm behind on checking your journals, I'll get to it soon.

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