
By tookie

Big Lake Mountains

I'm not sure of the actual name of this peak in the North Cascade mt. range in washington, but is is overlooks the Big Lake area. I drove up here with my pal M in search of seeing the bald eagles along the Skagit River. Just like last year, supposedly last week there were hundreds but we saw none close at all. I've seen many in years past, but they are scarcer than ever and you must get up there early and at the right times! We saw an immature one sitting in a tree but too far away for a decent image to post. So I chose this lovely mountain and the day we had was such spectacular.

While we were looking for eagles along the skagit river, a guy biked up to us and invited us to ride in his float boat ---he claimed the ride would be complimentary and we'd see hundreds along the water. I said "but we have two dogs" . He said "oh we love dogs...bring them". I said "my legs are bum.". He said "oh just yesterday a double amputee rode along and did fine. and our boat has a heater". I looked at M and just laughed...we passed on his offer. Somehow it seemed ridiculous and does NOT want to ride in a little rubber boat with my two hooligans who would have been more scared than me! I think all the float boats going up and down the wild Skagit contribute to seeing less and less eagles up there too.

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