Harry Potter World

Generally, I enjoy the energy and variety brought to Auld Reekie in August, but when you’re trying to get from one meeting to another and squeeze past tour guides with throngs of clients explaining that Victoria Street is the real life Diagon Alley it can start to pale a bit. Mind you, there are now three Harry Potter shops on the street, maybe the Bow Bar should try and get in on the act.

Couple of good meetings, a short presentation and then lunch at Paradise Palms with my girls. Eve has settled in well and is loving life in Edinburgh. Ruby is doing a great big sister job looking after her.

Ruby had to head back to work so I walked Eve across the Meadows, via Armstrong’s then Real Foods, before fighting my way through the crowds to the train station.

Home to a power cut. After a few hours normal service was resumed. By which time I’d sparked up the wood burning stove. The dogs are dozing happily in front of it anyhow.

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