Another call with our CRM providers today. I went with Char to Hotel Chocolat at lunch to collect my birthday gift from HSBC - they'd given me a voucher for my birthday, for £10's worth of chocolate. Nice! All my colleagues who bank with HSBC were outraged when I showed them; it seems I'm the only one who's been given this special treatment.
After work I went out for my birthday meal with Char and Sarah. They took me to 'Mark's' bar here first, for lovely cocktails, then over the road to a tapas place called Camino. We had a lovely selection of dishes between us, and a really lovely evening. I do love our birthday tradition :)
Got back to Blackheath just after 10pm and Tim came to meet me at the station. He'd had a really busy evening, replacing the brake on his bike and taking in the food shopping delivery.
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