
It was Michael Gove who (in)famously and unanimously declared in 2016 that "Britain has had enough of experts". But, of course, we haven't. He could have more accurately said "People who feel we should leave the EU have had enough of better informed people telling them it's a bad decision" but I don't think that would have served his purpose quite so well. 

Me, I love an expert, particularly an enthusiastic one. This is part of the reason that I enjoy going to the Bluedot Festival so much; the lectures there are, for the most part, fantastic. I would never have guessed that I could be held enthralled as I was a couple of years ago by someone talking about ancient Antartic ice!

Amongst other things, my colleague Steve is an expert on cars. This week he helped me with the rather mundane task of assessing whether my tyres needed replacing, which they did, and with actually getting that sorted out. I don't think it was a big deal for him but in areas where I feel a bit lost it's a huge comfort to have someone with actual knowledge to help me out. 

Thus today I drove over to Kwikfit to drop the car off and then walked back to the office going past the allotments. This is quite different from foraging (as per my post earlier this week) but it still chimed with the book I'm reading and the idea of people fending for themselves. Let's hope it doesn't come to that in a couple of months time when the ill-conceived Brexit project finally goes over the cliff. 

-10.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Gallows Pole' by Benjamin Myers

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