Dalkeith Country Park

Today it was lovely and sunny and Ann wasn't working, so off we went to Dalkeith Country Park. The last time I was at Dalkeith Country Park I was just a little puppy and had to stay on my long lead. (Wanted to add in the link, but can't find it??!!) Today I got to run free. Yay! What a fabulous place for a little collie pup to have a run about.

It was eerily quiet................. until we got to the bit where the cafe was.......................

….................The only people we met on the whole of the walk (more than an hour), were a 'mother & daughter' (we're assuming here) with a little black doggie that I wanted to play with. The 'mother' (as in human mother, not dog mother) tried to hit me away. I'm guessing she didn't want me to play with her silly little black dog. To be honest, I didn't want to play with him/her anyway, so when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came. The little black dog was on his/her lead and wasn't having any fun at all??!! Oh and the mother didn't actually manage to hit me........................ but if she had, Ann would certainly have had something to say about it?!!

However about 15 mins later we had to stop because Ann had to reply to a message re her job. #Beingafreelanceworkerisnoteasy

'Little Black Dog' owners passed by us and I tried to jump up at them. Ann went mad at me because 'Little Black Dog' owner said, 'I'm already muddy'. ….............Not sure if that comment was directed at us because I'd already jumped up at her? But actually no; I don't think it was, because Ann had been keeping an eye on me the whole time.

BUT seriously Blippers..................... Ann gets a bit paranoid about my behaviour when we're out. Nobody talks to anyone these days. 

…....................So instead of people actually talking to each other and saying, 'I don't like your dog jumping up at me.'…................... They'll just post something on the internet and say, 'muddy, badly behaved collie pup jumped up at me when I was wearing white linen trousers on the dog walk.' That's just an example. Little black dogs owners were even scruffier than Ann??!!

Ann's response to that would be........................ #getalife

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................... just recording this here in case it pops up anywhere on the internet??!!

The other dog I met was fabulous. He was a Cockerpoo and I spent ages playing with him. His owner was lovely and gave Ann loads of 'handy hints' for training a little collie pup like me.

…........................Oh and by the time I got home I was very a little bit muddy. See extras. I had to be washed again with my 'Mud Daddy'.


PS - Don't seem to be able to post anything in 'extras'  Sorry...…………..  this is just going to have to do for today.

Toodles xxx

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