Bumblebee on da Flooer

More showers this morning, but it did clear by lunchtime, and been a mostly sunny day, and a sunny evening.  

Another day working in the museum.  Two cruise ships in Lerwick again, and we had a busy morning of visitors.  Popped along friend Paula at lunchtime, as she's away on the boat tonight.  Been down to mam's this evening.  We headed out for a walk, and an unusual sight was seen, the police around the back roads.  As they approached, we stepped onto the verge.  Poor mam lost her balance on the next to none verge, and fell into the ditch, what we laughed and the police too.  Off to work in the pub later. 

While me and Sammy were waiting on mam, I had a look about her garden.  A lot of activity about the garden, with various bees buzzing around.  This peerie guy was loving the Globe Thistle.  I'll need to get some for my garden.  Taken at Aith ,Cunningsburgh.  

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