The rest of forever...

By DrMac

New Year in Namche Bazar

As we didn't take an extra day to acclimatise earlier in the trek, we ended up with a spare day. We decided to stay at Namche for an extra day, being that it was New Year's Eve, to enjoy a long walk through the valley and a drink to celebrate the arrival of 2013.

After a lazy start, we left the lodge at about 9am and spent nearly six hours walking through the valley to Thamo. We did an out-and-back walk, keeping up a decent pace to burn a few extra calories in preperation for a tipple in the evening! This photo was taken as we walked back towards Namche - it is such a stunning place.

In the late afternoon we went to the little outdoor kit shop and I bought some La Sportiva shoes (way too cool!) and we ate apple pie and drank coffee. After dinner we went to the Danphe Bar, where there were about ten people, drank a couple of drinks and celebrated an early New Year. We were back at the lodge by half eight and tucked up in sleeping bags by 9pm!

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