
By Leiflife

A New Day

This is the first blip from my newer computer. The first time I have felt comfortable enough to try. I have clung to the aged Toshiba and Windows 7. Slow as molasses; no wonder I have blipped less and less often. Painful... Has my fear of change been greater than my longing for ease and simplicity? Truly the new seemed impossibly complicated. Until this morning. This morning when I bravely downloaded photos to the dreaded Windows 10, a shift had occurred. A new day was upon me. And so I have blipped the view of the bog below my house. Lumen and I pause to enjoy this lush green view every morning as we walk out the Shearwater Pottery road. Lately the view has been augmented by a lustrous web created by a large yellow banana spider. Can you see the web? And the light shining through?

Extra of Lumen and Pearl on our return from a walk...

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