Haute Route Highlights D2

Champex Lac to Cabane Mort Fort
19km, 350m ascent, 700m descent, 2 lifts

The thunderstorms in the night were spectacular - I could have really enjoyed them if I didn't know we had to walk in them the next day.
The forecast was rain rain rain - but an hour after we started the waterproofs were gone and weren't needed again for the rest of the day.
It's not usually a day I enjoy much, an easy enough ambling long descent to Semblancher, but a lot of it on minor roads and tracks. Usually it's baking hot down in the valley.
But today in the cool cloud it was bearable, and a good remedy for three sets of aching knees.
Eventually we reached Le Chable and a surprisingly pleasant lunch snack at the new kiosk at the lift station.
The wander round from Les Ruinettes to the refuge is fabulous - if you find the walking trail and don't simply take the ski road. We did just that and we're rewarded with some great glimpses of the Petit Combin.
Personally very pleased the Guardian remembered me, I helped set dinner and clear up, least we could do for such a wonderful filling mountain meal.
Now blipping this before lights out, thunder is again rolling round the high cirque above. Tomorrow may well be a challenge as we make our way over three high cols, the Grand Désert and then down to wild remote Prafleuri.

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