Globe artichokes

Today's the day ……………………. to eat your greens

I've never eaten a globe artichoke that I have grown - and I've grown quite a few.

It's mainly because I can't bare to chop it down before it has its wonderful purple flower - and then, when it does, it's too late.  But today I decided we would eat one as a starter to our evening meal.  Delia came up trumps on preparation technique and I set about cooking it.  I have to tell you that it made me feel pretty awful.  I had to butcher out the inside and remove the 'choke' which I know would have been the purple flower bit - it was just too gory for words.  And then, to go ahead and actually eat it - I felt like such a traitor.

As to the artichoke that remains growing on the plant, I may very well be blipping the purple flower in due course.  You might say, I haven't the heart to go through all that trauma again ……………………... 

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