Modern ingenuity

This Acme mangle is a vital piece of equipment used by a successful and very professional team. If I use the alternative name for this wonderful old item of laundry equipment -“wringer”- you may well guess where I spotted it.

My favourite car wash is just outside Tamworth. They are a super group of quick and thorough workers who are friendly and charming. And they are excellent value (£5.00)

When I asked to take the photo, they all started saying, “Put it on YouTube, put it on YouTube.”

Sadly I explained that I am not a YouTube influencer, but I assured them that my photo was destined for public view on the internet.

One of the lads found the mangle when he was visiting friends in Liverpool. It’s a brilliant way of preparing their spotless chamois leather cloths for that extra sparkle.

Needless to say, as I was driving home, the heavens opened.

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