l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

T.I. <---- iLOVEyouBABEEY

ByTheWay TI is ma' huuuusband. Okay, well today nothing important happened. Boring buht funny. Ohhh also, today for homeroom and 1st period I took the 7th grade writing thingy. I think I did really well. I even remembered not to capitalize all ma R's and S's and E's! Plus, I didn't even put any ampersands! I am so proud of ma' self. TEAR. So yeah, it was fun even though others thought not.

Hm, well um, this is ma' dog Scrappy. He was ma' first dog ever. We have had him since I lived in England forever ago. He is so adorable. He is getting old though.... It is a sad story but don't worry, he is not going any time soon. . . .I love him so friggin much! Well yeah. [:

PostScript: go to Youtube and type in "Neyo Mad" then click on the official video, it is so amazing and it makes me wanna cry. . . I love it!

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