Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

House IV

Took a short walk at lunchtime today. The sky was a plain grey in all directions. Very frustrating because I saw some interesting skies this morning and had the idea of doing a montage, but I didn't take the opportunity at the time. One day I will learn.

I popped round to see how this house was getting on. For those who don't know about this, the story started here, as Christmas approached the saga continued here and here. Whilst I was there I saw the family in the house to the right set off in their car so I guess they were moved back in time for Christmas.
The walls have got weather protection on them the road has been re-opened and the site has been closed down. So I also guess that concrete has been pumped into the old hole that the builder chap had dug out. My guess is that there will now be a long wait for design, planning permission etc. I will pop back on an occasional basis to see if anything is happening.

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