Log Update

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today's picture is of little Jasper cat getting a head scratch. You can see how happy this makes him.

Caro is also very happy. She's doing really well. She's letting me take care of her a lot more today, and wait, this news just coming in - 


Obviously, constipation can be a bit of a problem after this sort of surgery, so she had been supplied with not one but THREE different kinds of laxative including something called Kiwi Crush*. 

Anyway, it seems to have worked, which is a relief for all concerned. Honestly, yesterday it was like sitting on the inside of a packet of roasted peanuts.

Feefs, who had her surgery in May, is also happy. She is now losing weight and feeling a lot better. She even took part in a fashion show yesterday, modelling a friend's clothing line. 

"It was SO cool," I heard her tell Caro on speakerphone, "and then I had to come home and deal with my dog's penis."

Now there was a conversational turn I was not expecting. 

I can't remember if I have mentioned it before, but Tiggy has foreskin issues which means that he may have to have a doggy bris at some point. However, the vet is reluctant, and because it is a relatively rare occurrence (about once a year) when Tiggy gets - uh - "stuck" down there, Feefs needs to get in there and put things back where they are supposed to be**.

This, despite the fact that she lives with two people who own penises of their own. Life is just not fair.

"It only happens when he's dreaming of girl-dogs though," added Feefs.

"Or maybe dreams about mummy," said Caro, because Caro is sick and evil.

"EEEEyewwwwww!" said Feefs. Caro was satisifed with this response.

It is good to know that this operation has not affected Caro's twisted sense of humour. 


* Not made of actual crushed kiwis, in case you were worried.

** If we ever get a dog, we are getting a GIRL dog.

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