Playing with Scottie dogs

This afternoon I went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' for my walk and just look who I found to play with................. two little Scottie dogs. The problem was.................. the Scottie dogs were on the other side of the burn to me. But that wasn't a problem for a clever little collie pup like me. I just jumped into the burn, paddled across and then started to play chase with the Scottie dogs.

Ann wasn't very pleased with me. She doesn't want me to get into the habit of getting out at the other side of the burn to where she is. She had visions of me having an enormous poo. Lol! The Scottie dogs owner wasn't very pleased with the Scotties either. She kept calling them. But they ignored her because they were having a good time playing chase with me.

Ann let me have a little play with them and I just ignored her when she shouted, 'Trixie come'. Eventually Ann shouted, 'Trixie, I'm going home'. And she walked off and left me playing with the Scotties. Well I didn't want to be left with the Scotties. I had to do my speediest running to catch up with Ann. And do you know what happened when I caught up with Ann?............................. I got loads of cuddles and treats. Yay! Was that the correct thing to do; dog owners? Or should Ann have smacked me when I came back and told me I was a naughty puppy for not coming back when she was shouting, 'Trixie come'?


Oh and because we use Blip as a diary of our lives..................... Ann has done four 'meet & greets' today. Two were super speedy with lovely guests young hunky men and two were ridiculously late.

As Ann is only paid to wait an hour & a half at a property, she was just about to go, when visitors texted to say they were here and where should they park? Mmmmm.................... if Ann was a horrible person she would have ignored the text and gone home. My very lovely owner Ann, is not a horrible person. I think she might start being a horrible person! Good question? Where does one park within the ' controlled parking zone' in Edinburgh city centre? Long, long, long story short. Visitors thought they had booked free parking on site. Ann photographed her visitors confirmation details that said there was 'free parking on site' and whatsapp'd her support team (who could have been in Dubai or Kuala Lumpa or London or Paris or anywhere else in the world why does nobody ever talk to anybody these days?) to ask where the 'free parking' was. She got a reply back saying they didn't know 'because nothing was on the system'??!! #FFS

.............And who's left to deal with 'angry mode guests' in real life? My very lovely owner Ann, (who should have just walked out of the flat the minute the clock struck 5pm.) And do you know what; they didn't even apologise for being more than an hour late!

Meanwhile, back at home base, I'd been left 'home alone' for 4 hours and Ann had promised me she'd be back within 3 hours. ......….But I hadn't done any chewing. Yay!!!

Anyway Ann was super friendly & super polite & super professional & super helpful & just super wonderful. After 45mins of standing next to a car (parked on double yellow lines) with visitors who thought they had free parking at their holiday let............................... Ann eventually said; 'I'm just a meet & greeter. All I do is meet & greet, check the wifi & heating & hot water is working and give you your keys. I don't see a description of what you've booked or who you've booked it through. All I can suggest is that you phone the helpline number that I've just given you and take it up with them.

.................And off Ann went! Because she had 3 gorgeous guys to meet! I'd been left 'home alone' for ages.

BUT seriously........................ Everything is done via 'APPs' these days. Why is there NO personal service?

…..................................Oh and a bit tired of RANTING now.

Goodnight all xxxx

PS – If Ann doesn't get paid for the 45 mins she spent trying to pacify 'angry mode guests', she will be very ANGRY!!!  And I probably won't get any extra treats!!!!

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