The Secretary Bird

Even in the rain we've had such a fabulous day at the Hawk Conservancy Trust just outside Andover. I love this place and I'm now loving Vultures after a wonderful talk given by one of the Guides at feeding time as we've learned so much about them, stuff I never knew, but far too much to write here. Following that talk was the first flying display with birds flying over our heads at excitingly low levels and ground birds giving stunning displays too - the Secretary Bird being my favourite- my blip is of Angola (the Secretary Bird)  being presented with a snake by Miriam (handler)  and Angola contemplating giving the snake a rabbit punch with her very long legs before killing it by stamping repeatedly on its head  and trampling it to death.  The sound effects of Angola's stamping were amazing.

We have got well and truly soaked today but it's all been worth it and huge congratulations to the HCT and their wonderful birds for carrying on despite the awful inclement conditions this morning, but as we left mid-afternoon the welfare of the birds was priority and it was doubtful that any more flying would take place.

Drying out and warming up with tea, coffee and cake at R&k's completed our lovely Hampshire family visit.

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