Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A dull, damp, grey day...

...more rain forecast, Pilates cancelled and nothing much to cheer about at all...
But then we found ourselves walking back to happiness after our visit to Anna, the smiling Podiatrist ;)   Thanks Laurie!
Enjoyment might be slightly too strong a word, but you certainly feel as if you're walking on air as you leave.   Thank Bob!
Anna is herself suffering from a running injury at the mo - either shinsplints or a stress fracture. We're keeping our fingers crossed for the results of her x-ray, and hope she'll be back to running soon, as she enjoys it so much ;) 

Another great melange of MonoMonday entries this week – and not too many moans about the theme, thank goodness! I really enjoyed looking at all the different interpretations ;)

Subjects this week included pots, plants and pins; seafronts, sheds, scarves and shoes; books, desks, rocks, reels and socks...

Eight Mono Hearts this week, as follows:

chrisf's distortions

Annie&Chris's melange in the city

Technophobe's reels

pipersmom's stuff

timb's abstract chopping boards

gordo's commute

BoHingles' melange of emotions

kd's old meeting house

I’ll deliver them ASAP, but some will have to be tomorrow!

Next week’s tag and theme is MM291 / middle.


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