Worth the wait
A very garden orientated day today. I spent the afternoon with a lovely gang of people on our first session in the Hall 'garden' (tip). Six enthusiastic people turned up, including someone to make tea and sweep up, so we made a great start with half of the paving area weeded and a couple of the small beds dug over.
Afterwards I came home to turn my attention to my own garden. A good number of years ago a friend gave me a cutting in a small pot and said something about it being for my daughter's wedding bouquet. She was probably about 15 at the time. My friend has been gone several years now and I left the cutting in the pot and now it has grown (still in the small pot) into a beautiful shrub which has obviously enjoyed having a bit more light and nutrients and has shown its appreciation with a fantastic display of flowers. I have looked up Myrtle plants and realise that according to Google (!) it was a sacred plant of Demeter and Aphrodite and also Venus. It is apparently a symbol of love so I expect that was what my friend was on about. Not sure how I am going to release it from its pot as it has well and truly rooted through the bottom.
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