So after the confusion of who was going on the Athens trip yesterday I was determined not to miss out again so sneaked onto the back of the coach. I was clocked but only after the beach bus had left. The leader did get into a bit of trouble but hey I’m paid €17 a day I think I deserve a treat too!!!
First we went to the National Archaeology Museum....Alex very kindly took me round but I was most excited by the display from Santorini. Not only had I been to the archeological site but the book I’m reading is about it too!
#Then it was onto the Acropolis at 33 degrees it was so hot and unfortnately I lost the group so had to entertain myself around Athens :)))
I was relieved to find a little taverna down a small street below the acropolis and so hot I was happy to sit under a fan, read my book and # choose my own food and eat off real plates not tin ones we have on camp!!!
Then a lovely stroll around the streets up to Syntagma square where we were all meeting up again.
#I had time to visit The Public ...a roof top cafe that overlooks the square and enjoy waffles, banana, strawberries and chocolate. It was delicious.
I now felt re energised and ready to tackle the camp chaos!
#Tonight was another treat...all the tables were moved from the dining room up a flight of stairs around the pool for dinner. Rather strange however the tables were laid with cloth and candles and food was good and the children loved it.
Then a procession of fruit platters with candles on mirrors were carried around!!
Then it was disco time!!!!
Gosh I was ready for bed by 12!

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