Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The last couple of days have been filled with social events and I'm now suffering from a 'social hangover', as a friend so accurately described it. 
It's been bot fantastic and tiring, because I'm not used to have company 24/7.
I had a conversation about anthropological literature that's an easy read and today I remembered this one, so I sent a photo of it so the person I talked to could get the information. And, since I've been kind of decked out on the couch since mum left, it also became my blip. I can recommend it, though! It's a fun book about how it can be when anthropologists go away to do fieldwork. One of my fellow students thought I reminded him of the anthropologist in the book, because of my troubles when I was out and about doing research. 
I haven't read this one for a while so I think I'll re-read it now. :) 

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