Not In Kansas Anymore

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I've been getting regular bulletins from Caro and Feefs throughout the day. They went like this:

Caro: (Sent picture above).

Me: Loving the footwear! Click your heels together and repeat, "There's no place like home..."

Me: I assume you are just sitting around bored now.

Caro: Yerrr. Just waiting and setting up my room.

Me: You have a room to yourself?

Caro: Yep to myself, with a TV. Still waiting to go in, haven't spoken to the anaesthetist yet. So tired after all the drugs and the early start. I had a spew when I first got here at 7am, just nerves. But all good now. Sitting in my paper pants, gown, dressing gown, compression socks and orange non-slip socks...

Caro: I also had to have a pregnancy test, which is the last test they do before surgery

Feefs: She's going in - I tried to go with her to see her off to sleep and say I was her mum - but they wouldn't let me

Me: Poor little thing sounds nervous. How long until you can see her

Feefs: No she was ok - her blood pressure was fine too. I just wanted to see her under anaesthestic

Feefs: I really hope I get to see her I need to leave here at 2.30ish and she should be back to ward at 2. Recovery from 1pm.  She won't be normal til maybe 5pm anyway.

Me: Okay she was threatening to call me tonight but I'm guessing it will be all drunken chat haha. Thank you for taking care of her for me xx

Feefs: Oh it'll be brilliant!  I posted a bloody video completely maggoted when I was here Oh so welcome - it's really nice


Me: Any word on herself?

Feefs: Nothing yet. I expect news very soon

Feefs: Found out I'm probably NOT going to get to see her she's still in theatre now with at least an hour in recovery. F***. So annoying how she wasn't first. I was bumped from first as bypassers go first but clearly not today. Will still hang around in the hopes - maybe I'll ask if I can just look at her.

Me: Did they say anything about how it went?

Feefs: No the nurse was a grouchy bitch. I will warn caro about her

Me: Hopefully she will be too out of it to care

Feefs: Right - she's been in recovery for half hour so I might just make it. Yay all went well apparently x

Me: Oh yay that's a relief thank you!!!

Feefs: Yay I know

Feefs: Just heard from surgeon.  She was really happy with how it went

Feefs: Mum wanted me to buy flowers BUT THERE WAS NONE ANYWHERE so I drew a picture of flowers instead lol. Ok cool

Me: Probably just as well you know what her nose is like!


Caro: I'm in my room. Wasted on drugs. Going to have a sleep

Me: Sleep well, little friend xxx


Caro: I've just woke up again and went for a little walk around the ward block. They said I did amazing first time up and walking. So now back in bed. Still have abdrionabd a drain on and an oxygen tube - which is keeping my sinuses clear, another wee bonus. And the pain is not too bad. It's there but the drugs are great and it feels like I've done a brutal abs workout

Caro: Feel a bit more alert and off to nap again soon. But they said I can get anytime as long as I keep myself hooked up. The more walking the better for managing blood flow and lowering risk of clots. Nearly said clits there. Whoops

Caro: I'm sorry I slept so much this arvo. I missed seeing Feefs, she had to go catch her flight. But she set up my room for me with all my bits, took selfies if herself with my phone, wearing my stuff and wrote me a little letter to wake up to. She's been so amazing.

Me: Are you feeling high? Maybe we should get these drugs for normal life

Caro: Yeah. Sooooo high. I've got a bare bum and a gown and I don't care.

I will be sure to keep you all posted on how she is doing. As you can probably tell, right now she is over the rainbow.


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