Carolina's journal

By Carolina


Melange means : Mixture, medley, blend.       I had to think of that one for awhile!   One of the examples was a building with a cell tower on it.  Oh, yes.  Already got that picture for last Wednesday!      Anyways, as I had just been to see the Dr. about the leg ( no breaks or cracks!)  I thought I would go down the Edmonds Ferry and take a few shots as there was sure to be different kinds of people down there!    I saw this guy right off and snapped a picture of him and him faithful friend with other people in the background.    I took a few more but really loved this one.  Will put another in the extras for 60plus and she can see what she likes!   Much thanks to 60plus for hosting MM for August!        
    Many thanks to the hearts and stars of late as they are so appreciated and puts a smile on my lips and my heart! 
     My husband got the water bill for the last 2 months..... 489.dollars and change.   AND don't forget you must pay at least half.   Oh, yes we did sent out a technician.   Husband....   Why didn't they leave a message?   Well,  no good answer and of course they are in the clear.
Oh, well.  Life goes on!

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