Braid Hills & ideas for washing me

Well after yesterdays torrential rain, today was positively summer like, so off we went for a big long walk up Braid Hills. We walked through Braidburn Valley Park first and then along the 'secret path' before heading to the top of the hill. The secret path was very, very wet & muddy.

This is what I looked like when we reached the top of the hill and Ann's feet looked even worse!

As soon as we got home Ann had to go out to do a 'meet & greet' she washed her feet first, lol! so she told me to go into my bed for a snooze. I was very tired so I was happy to do that, but do you know what Ann forgot to do?................ She forgot to shut the dog gate in between our kitchen/living room so when she came home I was having my snooze on the sofa!

Because it was Ann's fault that she'd forgotten to shut the gate she couldn't very well tell me off could she? Instead she just tickled me behind my ears because that was the only part of me that wasn't wet and stinky and told me I was a very good girl. And do you know why I was a good girl? …................I was a good girl because even though I could have sat anywhere I wanted, I knew that I had to sit on the bit of the sofa that had my towel on it. Oh and I hadn't chewed anything either!

However, the problem is.................................. how does Ann wash me when we live in a 4th floor flat and only have a shower? At the moment she just dries me as best she can and then leaves me to dry off naturally. But sometimes I stink for days!!! She can't put me in the shower without taking off all her clothes and getting in there with me. And I don't think that would be a pleasant experience for either of us!

Soooooooo, what she's thinking................................ she could maybe buy a small hosepipe and feed it through the kitchen window (which overlooks our balcony........... the kitchen sink is right next to the window) and then wash me on the balcony. But then the balcony would end up all muddy and wet. So what she needs is some sort of plastic bath container that she could put me in while I'm being washed. But then where would she keep my bath & hosepipe? Our balcony is not very big and is Ann's 'wine drinking' haven so don't really want a plastic box bath cluttering it up!

Any ideas peeps??!!

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