Elegant in ebony


ebony catman
in solar embrace

endearing being
all silk and shine

elegant fur wrapped gift
in your eighteenth year.

T is back at work, it's cold and quiet, the pace of the holiday season winding down. So many ups and downs this year. I wish T could have taken this whole week off, she needs it. Hopefully her day isn't too hectic.

Max seems a tiny bit off last night and today. Just a subtle difference, enough to make me watch him a wee bit closer. He's not interested in his regular food, but would eat some tuna fish and a bit of his regular slipped in with that. I'm satisfied with the amount he has eaten, so we'll see. He's as handsome as ever and alert and active, behaving normally. Bird and Nelson watching, at the moment, trilling away at the window.

Nothing much on the agenda today, laundry and a good long sit down with my new Leica X2 manual I hope. Then on to Mary Oliver's new poems and the stack of Christmas books eagerly sitting in a lovely pile.

For the Record,
This day came in bright and frigid. 5 degrees F when we got up at 6, not much warmth still, our coldest day so far.

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