
By papertiger

Let's do this.

Dogs are our link to paradise.
They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.
To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring -- it was peace.

-- Milan Kundera

Well, today was not quite what I'd call a glorious afternoon, even if my Mum, upon seeing that the car dashboard said it was 11.C, declared it to be "positively tropical." Calm down, Mum, lets not get carried away!

This is a blip of me in my spotty Wellies and my family dog, Dougal. I only have 2 more days here until I need to return to my 'real life' in Dundee, and I'll miss my wee dog. He's a pesk, don't get me wrong, but I love him. His favourite things include walking, playing in waterfalls, barking for sticks, eating carrots and hugs.

A best friend if ever there was one.

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