Things Are Getting Strange, I'm Starting To Worry

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It started raining almost as soon as Caro left yesterday. The taxi driver bringing me back from the airport commented upon it. It really hasn't stopped ever since.

I stepped out today at lunchtime anyway. As I have mentioned before, I like the rain and much prefer it to the gaudy delights of sunshine. I like the sounds, and the smell of damp earth. I love how it changes the colours of trees and streets, and I love the reflection of street lights in water. I love how the rain muffles all other noise, and leaves me in a world of rain dripping off my hood.

As I sit here on my couch, I can hear it all around me and it is very calming. There's a steady drumbeat on the roof and the splashing of rain as it cascades out of the gutter and 

And now I need to pee again.

So it's very atmospheric is what I am trying to say. The perfect time, in fact, to watch The X-Files from the beginning. Yes! Agent Scully has just been assigned to "Spooky" Mulder and she is all very sceptical. Meanwhile Mulder is all, "Listen to me Scully! This thing is REAL!"

It didn't help his case that, even at his most rational, he sounded like one of those weirdos you meet at bus-stops.

I'm not sure if I can fit in all 9 original series before Caro gets back from Auckland on Friday*. But I think I might have to give it a try.


* Can I bothered with the "new" X-Files, I wonder? We shall see.

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