Deep in the Forest.........

There was Smurfs Lurking. (Extra)
What a surprise as we staggered through the hills of the Colonial Knob area near Porirua with the U3A (University of the third age) walking group.
It is a fantastic area and a total walking gem which we will go back to but meanwhile I am sitting on the towel rail in our bathroom along with The Boss’s sneakers which were not a great choice when sorta as predicted the heavens opened and it didn’t rain Smurf’s it just rained and I got a tad damp in the time it took The Boss to get me and his pak covered along with himself.
This is another example of the diversity of this area where there were multiple trails mostly through pine needle covered bush areas and birds having band practise. (The feathered type..OK?)
By the time we got home the Boss was pretty wet so he lay in a hot bath and cut up wood for the fire we don’t have.
Meanwhile The Bossess is in Auckland where last night they had a weather event that tore the roof of a house and gave it to the neighbours blowing their front door in at the same time so they didn’t have to open it to look.

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