Lala's Journal

By Lala

Spider Crab

The heavy winds have brought ashore things we don’t usually see, this is a (dead) spider crab. Further along the coast, sea mice were found. I had to google them!

Another productive day work wise. The shed is cleared, another trip to the tip, and some of the things I need out for the weekend do, found and washed! I watched countryfile this evening for the week’s weather forecast and was horrified to learn that next Saturday brings more wind and rain! Rain we can cope with by putting up the gazebo (used last year because of intense sun) but not sure it will stay in the courtyard if the wind is as strong as it was yesterday!

This evening we concluded the Chernobyl series. Can’t recommend it highly enough. It was broadcast on Sky a few weeks ago, and if any reader missed it, try catch up, it is well worth it.

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