Lara & Belle

Lara has more than lived up to expectation since being introduced to Belle.

She allowed her to snuggle up in her bed for a snooze less than a day after she arrived, put up with her swinging from her ears and only told her off a handful of times.

Over the past few days Lara has started playing with Belle and the dog toys. At risk of sounding like a dog mad looney, she is the best big sister dog Belle could have, she drops toys beside her and wags her tail waiting for her to play and then wrestles them gently.

This morning they played in the garden with a ball, this is a rare moment of still captured under the climbing frame.

When Belle is big enough for the beach, they will have the best time.

To the 'it's too soon, you can't get another dog' brigade, look, just look. Lara was a picture of misery when Jerry was put to sleep. She moped around, rarely left my side, went off her food and was alone for the first time in her life. She is now happy again and more playful than before.

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