It all worked out in the end...
The other day in the wee hours of the morning, the smoke detector decided to go postal. Of course the mumble of words was spoken, but seeing and smelling no fire, I figured out it was just the low battery warning going off. At that hour I was more concerned on getting it quiet. Amazing how far those batteries were shoved in - and would not stop going off till I nearly broke it.
It sat on the table a few days after I realized it was 7 years old. They say you should replace a smoke detector every 10 years and many think that's just a marketing ploy, but think of technology changes from 1980, 1990 and 2000 - some major advances have been made... So does the technology to detect fires.. Oh and I don't want to gamble with my life.
So today I went to a national chain down the road, they didn't have what I was looking for, neither did a local store but the other national chain 6 miles away did..Oh but the batteries weren't included and they were out of the Lithium long life you should use in a detector, two other stores didn't have them either.. so I stopped at the quickie mart just in case.. Yep they had them... batteries with a 20 year shelf life that had been on the shelf 5 years already and cost an arm and a leg.. It all worked out in the end...
Probably seeing my uncle and cousin tomorrow depending on how my uncle is feeling, along with my dad.. Sunny and perfect in Seattle, listening to the birds and watching blips go by..
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