The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Trip To Florence

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess and I went to see Florence and the Machine tonight in Princes St Gardens. It was her birthday present and yes, the fact that I love Florence too is a complete coincidence!

Whist queuing to get in, we couldn’t help overhearing the chat from the 3 women behind us. One of them started telling her chums about setting someone straight after a male friend had made a comment about liking someone...

Chum 1: “So, I just said to him - ‘LOOK, we’re JUST friends. It’s NEVER going to happen’. He said he wasn’t actually taking about us but at least I told him”

Other 2 chums: “Yeah, well done you. You need to set clear boundaries. No point in him having false hope”


Other gems from the chat...

“If this queue doesn’t start moving then I’m just going to go right up to the gate and get my t*ts out.”

“You can tell a lot about a person from the pizzas they like. My ex-mother-in-law used to get a SEAFOOD pizza and THEN put OLIVES on it. That’s the kind of c**t I had to deal with.”

To the question “How was your day?”...

“Well, I put new batteries in my rabbit, so that was my morning”

About the support act ‘Self Esteem’...

“What do they sing? ‘I’ve got my tampon in too tight and my eyeliner isn’t right*’”

Florence had a lot to deliver after that, but deliver she did. She has an ethereal presence - whimsical and delicate. She whispers to the audience and does crazy twirls and jump without breaking a sweat. Her voice is exquisite - the best voice I have ever seen live. Absolutely flawless.

It was EMP’s first time of going to see live music. The best thing about the whole show was watching her face light up. Some people love live music, some people don’t. I’m so glad she gets it.


*Not one of her actual songs!

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