
By Wildwood

"The die is cast..."

I have watched a total of about two hours' worth of television in the last two and a half months, partly because we've been either too busy or too tired to bother, and partly because we have one chair in our television room. Today we took a step toward rectifying the second problem by ordering a new sofa and a second chair. Having maxed out our credit card we put off a trip to the camera store for another day and went out to lunch at our favorite restaurant, The Spinster Sisters, instead . When we got home OilMan had to retire to his bed.

I walked down the driveway to get the the mail and met a lovely neighbor who moved here in July. She told me she wanted to invite some of the neighbors over but they still "had toilet paper on the dining room table" We bonded immediately when I told her we too were waiting to get more storage built and had no place to put anything. We stood in the middle of the road and chatted about the trauma of moving until it got too cold to stay any longer. Ozzie had given up on his walk and fallen asleep in the middle of the road when we finally headed for home.

Back at the White House, OilMan was awake, and we measured the space that the chair and sofa we just bought will occupy. Spatial relationships are difficult and it is interesting that OilMan relates to scale model drawings, while I prefer to measure out the real space on the real floor. Neither one is perfect and either way the furniture seemed much too big...oh well, too late now. We may be slipping sideways out the door, but somehow we'll have to make it work. As my father used to say (at the drop of a hat) "the die is cast..."

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