I Am Losing The Will To Live

The weather was so bad this morning that PD refused to even stand up, let alone go outside for a walk.

My laptop has been running slow for the last couple of days and today Windows was good enough to do an automatic update which is designed to speed up the computer.
6 1/2 hours later it told me it was done.
It lied.
It lied big time.
Another 45 minutes to restart and another 30 minutes to open Lightroom.

Other news ……… SWMBO and I are having to act as Go Betweens between the parting couple as bail conditions require no contact of any kind between them.
We were at a show in the evening put on by the 'club' which has been run this week at one of the local churches for kids. The leaders do a damned good job, the kids love it and it costs nothing but a 'donation'.

The blip? …………. that is what I bought from my jeweller friend to add to my collection  of oddities. It is a piece he made many years ago when he started working with Titanium and inventing the methods of colouring refactory metals. He can't remember what it is or what it was meant to be. His wife claims it is an ice-cream cone (turn it upside down and it could be). Me? - I say it is an unfinished pair of earrings, but I have no idea what all the people are about.

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