Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Hope from Disappointment?

Loki looking decidedly frigid in the snow this afternoon.

Still feeling sick, and decided I needed a sick day. Mr. Badger was also home sick. We are both doing better, but blech.

So, almost 2 weeks ago now, I was browsing a real estate search site that I frequent just to see what is out there. I happened upon a house built in 1790 with a huge barn and 7.5 acres of fields. All for the low price of $102K ... So, I convinced Mr. Badger that we should probably look into it and started a pre-approval process to see if we could even do it. We tried setting up a showing, but with the holidays and all, we heard zip. Well, the pre-approval was moving along and it looked like a very strong possibility. However, Monday the house was taken off the market. We talked to a real estate agent, and it turns out it went under contract. Sigh. I had dreams about this home every night since I first saw it. I am trying not to be super disappointed, but it seemed like, for a moment, my dream was so very, very close. I am just hoping now that this gives me the inner fire to really reach for that dream and get my family where we need to be. No matter what happens, at least I tried to attain this dream, even though it seemed and ultimately was impossible. I don't feel as devastated as I thought I would be. So I must be growing up :) One day, hopefully my dream will become a reality.

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