An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Read no further...

If you are of a nervous disposition.  I am about to over-share.  You have been warned.

Today has not been the best of days.  It involved, amongst other things...

Rain of biblical proportions.

A tsunami of milk in my breakfast cereal that sent it flooding out of the bowl.

Putting two contact lenses in the one eye then wondering why my vision was strange.

A visit to my GP for a "routine" gynae procedure (no not that procedure. A slightly more complicated one.) 

Assuming the "position"  stirrups were involved under the very bright spotlight (Just realised why I was singing to myself There's no Business like Show Business!) only to realise as the Doc sat down to begin the procedure, I was wearing socks that on the soles of my feet said If you can read this on the right foot and Pour me a gin on the left!

After 25 minutes of what can only be described as very uncomfortable and at times painful rummaging, where I felt like an old banger being tinkered with by an apprentice mechanic, said GP declared that really a referral to Gynae to have the procedure done under sedation would perhaps be better.  No Shit Sherlock!

Dignity collected at Health Centre door, where I left it on the way in, then back out into the Biblical rain. Soaked. Again.

On the bright side, the lovely D drove me home, got me settled with my feet up and brought me gin coffee in my favourite mug.

And now if you'll excuse me, I am going to do exactly what it says on the mug.

Have a great weekend peeps :-)))


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