Making new friends.

Went back to agility training today. Ali not allowed to do sharp turns, jump her usual height or do the 'A' frame. As her handler (me) isn't in a position to do too much either, it worked out well doing excercises and practicing on distant control - Not her strong point. All looks good and she is sound after today - Fingers crossed!

It's a lovely friendly class and sometimes Emma joins us with her two little boys in tow (and her dog of course!!) The boys are very good and patient especially when the heavens opened and the wind whipped up just as we  started.There are horses in the field next to us, it was lovely to watch the horse come over and say hello. Up till today the boys have been a bit wary of the horses. We were all watching the touching scene when Mum Emma commented about not having a camera handy when you need one ......... Well, as luck would have it, I had my little compact in my dog walking bag. 'Killing two birds with one stone'  and all that, "blip' and happy Mum!

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