
By HeartFreek

Bumble Bee Bum in Aggies Pants

Work was cancelled today which was a bonus so I was able to walk Bella with Daughter Number 1, go food shopping and prepare for Lenas arrival for dinner. She only messaged yesterday to say she was coming today and could we meet!!!

But an hour before she was due, Mr W and I were discussing the Will subject. It was all going well and we were deciding who should get the Squash Trophies, pictures and Jewellery but when it came to the nitty gritty of deciding the estate it all went to pot and he stormed off telling me I could do it myself. 70 going on 17 springs to mind. But I'm sorry, if you invest in over 2/3rds of the property you want to protect that for your family. Am I wrong??? Tomorrow's meeting with the Will lady will be interesting - if it happens.

I can't believe money causes so much stress.


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