You've been framed
& protected from cabbage white butterflies, pigeons & anything else that might fancy nibbling on you, being a young brassica.
An early morning visit to the allotment to pick the beans etc, before the rough weather forecast, then out to B.T to spend a couple of hours on George & Jeans garden. Some staking, deadheading and general tidying to be done. George has spotted his neighbours sunflower plants rising above the 7' high hedge and is itching to chop them down. Love 'im! He's still rather upset at the laurel hedge they've planted. He likes to follow me around the garden as I'm working to have a chat & a laugh. Jean sticks her head out the door every now & again reminding me to drink my coffee before it's cold. I actually don't mind drinking cold coffee. I gave them some runner beans & courgettes before heading back to Mum's dropping off some runner beans then home for a rather late breakfast. Cooked an egg in the microwave for the first time, bit of spluttering & explosive sounds but I consider it a success, a tad over cooked but not bad for the inauguration.
Spent the afternoon planting the cuttings I brought back from Torquay, Hebe, Weigela, Rosa rubrifolia, plus the Salix Mt. Aso prunings from my grafted 1/4 standard. Rainbow chard, spinach, bok choy, and Broccoli Raab, 60 day seed planted into cells. The greenhouse is nearly full again. The agapanthus grown from seed I collected are looking good. I've got a batch of Hebe ready to pot on, & a few ideas for Winter planters, so plenty to be getting on with if the bad weather forecasted arrives :) Dry, greenhouse jobs :). Might even blitz the kitchen cupboards, I've got dishes I never use, taking up space needed for preserves. I could do a car boot sale on Sunday weather permitting.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting .. Spotted on the allotment this morning. These cabbage plants are ready to burst out of their netted frame.
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