Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Happy New Slippers...

January the 2nd. A bonus day of boozing in Scotland. Not that we need one by this stage, but there you go. Who's going to argue with an extra holiday? Not me, thats for sure (I'm not actually back till the 8th so it makes no difference to me whatsoever).

Today we had the pleasure of the company of one of my favourite people in the whole world, cousin Kyle. And one of HIS favourite people in the whole world, EVER...his girlfriend Nic who by a stroke of absolute genius and fortune is fast becoming one of our favourite people in the whole world, EVER... so that's nice isn't it? Lots of lovely people in one room.

Kyle & Nic brought presents round for the kids which were pretty amazing. Arlo was given a box of playdough and a Batman costume (complete with cape & mask. He went to bed cuddling the mask he loves it so much) and Ida was given a book and these little slippers.

I must draw your attention to the slippers. Go on, have a look at them. Aren't they amazing? Yes. Yes they are. Bet you wish your slippers were cute like these...

Yes, I know that sounded a bit like the pussycat dolls. It was intentional.

Anyway. I meant to start a series of Blips entitled 'Things that I Love". I am officially starting this series (infrequent and completely illogical) today. Beginning with these lovely little slippers.

And 3 mins before midnight too! Boom.

Love you Kyle & Nic x

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