I made it!

The initial goal : A photo a day for 365 days (I did it in 366 days as I missed a miserable little day in August!)
Results: So much more than photos!

I learned to see things from a different angle (handy when you lack inspiration!)
I became more perseverant (I thought many times of giving up but I did persevere)
I was able to connect with people I would never otherwise have access to (you have been a great source of inspiration)
I got to know me a little more (someone said you photograph what you are afraid to lose - profound isn't it? )

Regardless of whether I continue or not, it has been an incredible experience!

Thank you all for your kindness and encouragements.

A special thanks to my dog Zelda and my cat Betsy: You have been very good models and showed a lot of patience!

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