Shortly after getting home from my visit with Laura, I came down with something that knocked me flat. Taking pictures and then posting them seemed like a daunting task, so I chose the easy path...sprinkling gifts and some commenting didn't take as much energy. I am feeling much better and ready to jump back in the pool.
Before I left, I did some pruning on the Cow's Tongue cactus. I left it on the ground to dry out. It is much lighter when there isn't as much water content in the paddles.
Today I decided to gather up the paddles and get them in the garbage bin. Much to my surprise, there were new paddles growing on the severed limbs. (these two look like rabbit ears!) This happened in a little over three weeks. There are no roots forming yet, but given time, they would. Isn't nature amazing?
I am grateful for restored health and energy.
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