All acording to plan

Dare I say it but the first 2 days of the new year have gone according to plan. Today I managed to edit and re-write my chapter 1 all in one's the smallest chapter but it is pretty decent now and ready to go. Slimming down of chapter 2 is on tomorrows list :-) I'm feeling happy about this ...I can't begin to tell you....

My brother does a January detox every year where he eats mega health and drinks mega healthy for a whole month. I am trying to follow in his footsteps which means I'll be drinking an awful lot of vimto and lemon barley water I'm being ironic with this choice of mug.....I know this is not exactly carrot or broccoli juice but it does mean restricted caffeine and no alcohol...I have crept up to 11 and a half stone having been just under 11 stone for most of last year. I am hoping this 'kick start' will help me get back to 11 stone or under and then I may be inspired to try a 10km run in May.....I'm probably getting ahead of myself- but it is VERY exciting to get ahead of yourself sometimes....

Hope everyone else's New Year has started off positively and peacefully :-)

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