What to do on Tuesday.
A relaxed day today. Nothing on the agenda except a tiny bit of work for a client. I finished that right away as soon as I woke up.
I then finished my photo book during the morning. I had to complete the pages of the return trip. After that I checked all the pages once again and then hit the 'Send to Blurb' button in Lightroom.
Downloading started. All went well untill around 90%, when the download stopped. Hmm... Let's try again.
All went well untill 90%. 'Waiting for Blurbserver Processing'
Oh man, that's not what I want!
I started the upload again, third time, and then went for a 30 km bikeride with Peter. It's nice to ride again, and I'm thinking the same as I always do when I'm on my racing bike: 'I should do this more often'....
When I came home I immediately checke the upload. You can guess: stuck on 90%. Damn!!
To calm down, I had a shower and a drink and noticed a lot of butterflies in my garden.
I took my camera, put on my rarely used 50 mm, F1.2 lens and had some fun with them. Quite difficult to keep them in focus with a strong wind blowing them back and forth.
In the evening we all went to my in laws for dinner and coffee afterwards.
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