Because this is who I am

By Brighde


And he looked at my ring, and looked back at me and said "It looks like an eye, don't you think? It's because I only have eyes for you."

This is my johnboys eye, I recently discovered something hiding it the bottom of my camera bag which are macro tubes? You screw how many you want off and attach it in between the sensor and the lens, which is just the auto 55mm one. And it makes it all macro like because the sensor has further to travel.. I think? Look, I'm learning okay?

Todays been nice, I've just been lazing around in my jamies trying to get school work done but it's not really happening, I will try and do more tomorrow. I'm so hopeless at being motivated.

My friend ro was talking about her new tattoo ideas in her blip and it got me thinking about my own, I really really want 'because this is who I am' in sort of a hand written, small cute kind of way. Something subtle but really means a lot to me, and something not many people would see, so it would be personal, unless I was in swim wear... but i only wear cossies so its okay...

Anyways, Happy New Year to all! I hope you all got wasted, I unfortunately had a horrific night with a drunken john. Very embarrassing but hilarious.

Happy Blipping.

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