
By Enzotraveldog

The World Famous Eumundi Markets

‘We’re going to the world famous Eumundi markets this morning Enzo’, said the Sparrow over her second morning cuppa. ‘Oh really’ I thought. The Silverback is a card carrying member of the ‘I don’t like markets’ club. I glanced across to him, but to my surprise he was putting shoes on and getting the lead out. No more encouragement needed on my behalf. I jumped up and stood by the door.

Half an hour away in SE Queensland is generally regarded as just next door. We were there in no time.

The markets were really big; they’re on twice a week so there’s something of a permanent feel to them. No car boot stuff here, it’s mostly quality hand crafts made by ageing hippies living in the hinterland, with a smattering of zen scalp massage stalls and the like. Not to mention the food stalls. The whole place smelt great.

We met lots of dogs. There was even a parrot walking his owner on a lead!
Without doubt the Indian Chief directing traffic was most interesting human there!

I wonder if they’re only world famous in Queensland?

Maybe Aunty Rose will know!

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