Tube Town

Well!  This took me back 42 years!  This morning we decided to do a few more sculptures for the project - not many more to go now I think.  We ended up venturing across the Black Country to Wednesbury, a town not far from Bilston where I taught for ages!  My very first day as a teacher involved being taken by the father of my school days friend to his work which was about a mile from the school I was working at.  He worked at a company which no longer exists, called Wednesbury Tube.  I can't remember whether Io walked to the school from there or whether I caught a bus.  I do know that I had no idea how I was going to travel the 15 miles home!  Anyway, I survived travelling in this way until my dad finished rebuilding my Triumph Herald, BLL563B for me.  Cost £25.

This plaque is in Wednesbury Bus Station and features images of the area.  I thought it interesting that the town was named "Tube Town" on the plaque.  I am pleased to report that I have achieved quite a lot today.

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