Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

The Parish Priest

Priest  Nikolai after today's service in the name of Christ the Savior. 
A service that went on for all the hours in the morning and today that was in the chapel next to where Sweetheart's father is burried in the village... that is out in Crete's Back.

Priest Nikolai here holds his tools with incense and the little bells that cling when making the instrument dance.. really I'm not familiar with religious items, so I don't know how these are named.

After the service bread and fish was shared with the churchgo-ers ~  such a nice ritual that is! See extra

Thank you all lots for passing by & putting up stars &/ reactions... I appreciate that lots! Little time at hands to pass by from your journals, but I try and leave a star at the least

Papas Nikolai died at the age of 74 years, suddenly from a heart attack on March 15th, 2024 

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