This has been the fastest change of seasons ever from a winter wonderland to a dirty melting snow. At least it wasn't raining any more and we could spend some time outside. Today I was breaking the ice in the driveway with a steel shovel and raking the iceless parts. Things I usually do in April when the snow is melting. And, mind you, probably the craziest thing to do as it's only early January and the winter has just started.

I'm gradually getting busy with the house again, foreseeing the time the open houses start as well as sorting the stuff we will not take overseas once we move. There will still be lots to sell/give/"borrow" away like basically most things that uses AC power. It really is good to let go the old, but it's a lot of work as personally I can't throw away anything that is not broken - neither can I throw away eatable food. Just been wondering why on earth do we have five boxes of cocoa or three packages of sushi rice? We will be having lots of sushi and hot chocolate the next few weeks, as well as all sorts of porridge and hot cereals.


I hope your year has started well!

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