GMC Truck

Our neighbor down the street has a lot of 'toys', many of the earth and tree moving variety, but none that he is so proud of as this old truck. And I approve of the color, a beautiful, and rather unusual for a farm truck, shade of seafoam green. I always wanted a seafoam green Vespa with a matching helmet....

We've been having a rest day occasioned by both hot weather and OilMan's sore back. It actually doesn't seem as sore as it was yesterday but he says his foot feels 'like it's asleep' and his balance is off which is a bit concerning....

I read an article called Megafire the NY Times Magazine today. It was a recap of the Camp Fire which burned down the town of Paradise north of here. The last paragraph reads, in part:
 How did it end? With smoke that signaled that the the beginning of the day was gone, and that surely signaled something just as grave for the rest of us. Before long, the smoke had floated all the way to the coast, where it forced the city of San Francisco (and many others, including Santa Rosa) to close its schools.
How did it end? is hasn't. It won't.

Not cheerful reading, but yet another warning that climate change is already becoming irreversible, and we must get rid of the Bozo in the White House who thinks climate change is 'fake news'. It also made me realize the futility of being prepared in any but the most basic ways, which might work in a 'normal' fire, but definitely won't help at all in the kinds of fires that have occurred in Santa Rosa, Paradise  and Malibu, to name but a few. The roofer is coming on panels will be part of the discussion.

Thank goodness Dana and Jim and the boys are coming over soon for a good old fashioned barbecue...hamburgers, salad, corn on the cob, and some Magnum ice cream bars. A nice Sunday tradition is developing....

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